Derong JIN

I'm currently a master student at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Prior to that, I obtained my bachelor degree from Beihang University.

My research interests lie at the intersection of deep learning, computer vision and human-computer interaction. My research experience includes person re-identification, image retrieval, redirected jumping in virtual reality, and autonomous robots.

Previously, I was a research assistant at State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, Beihang University, advised by Prof. Miao Wang and Prof. Shimin Hu. I also worked on robotics projects with Prof. Abdelkader EL Kamel from Ecole Centrale Lille.

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Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

MSc in School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering    2021.08 - now

Thesis: Clustering-based Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification.

Beihang University, China

BEng (with honors) in School of General Engineering    2017.09 - 2021.06

GPA: 89.6/100, 3.76/4.00

University of Tokyo, Japan & Kogakuin University, Japan

Sakura Science Exchange Program    2019.08 - 2019.09

Sakura Science Club Scholarship awardee. Funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency.

Detection Thresholds with Joint Horizontal and Vertical Gains in Redirected Jumping

Yi-Jun Li*, De-Rong Jin* (equal contribution), Miao Wang, Jun-Long Chen, Frank Steinicke, Shi-Min Hu, Qin-Ping Zhao
2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR), 95-102, 2021  (CCF-A)
paper  |  supp video  |  presentation video

This paper estimated and modeled the detection thresholds as 2D continuous curves rather than discrete points with simultaneous horizontal and vertical gains in redirected jumping through a novel user study.

Effects of virtual environment and self-representations on perception and physical performance in redirected jumping

Yi-Jun Li, Miao Wang, De-Rong Jin, Frank Steinicke, Qin-Ping Zhao
Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware, 3 (6), 1-19, 2021 (19 pages)
paper  |  supp video

This paper conducted a comprehensive user study which investigated the effects of virtual environments and self-representations on the perception and physical performance of redirected jumping.

Research Experiences
Rapid-Rich Object Search Lab (ROSE) @ EEE, NTU

2021.09 - 2022.04
Research assistant,   supervised by Prof. Yap-Peng Tan and Dr. Shan Lin.

Research topic: clustering-based unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification

Conducted a comprehensive overview of unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification from four different perspectives (soft pseudo-labels, camera shift awareness, intermediate domain design, and memory bank design) with an in-depth analysis of their advantages and limitations.

inDeco Ltd. R&D Center, China (inDeco领筑智造)

2021.04 - 2021.06
Algorithm engineering intern,   supervised by Jian-Qiang Dong.

Research topic#1: image-based 3D shape retrieval

Research topic#2: texture image retrieval based on deep learning

State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, BUAA &
Peng Cheng Laboratory, Shenzhen

2019.11 - 2020.11
Research assistant,   supervised by Prof. Miao Wang and Prof. Shi-Min Hu

Research topic: redirected jumping (RDJ) in virtual reality

Designed and conducted a novel user study independently to estimate and analyze the detection thresholds of human perception during redirected jumping; used multiple tools (Matlab, C#, SPSS, Python) to analyze all the experimental data; programmed with Unity3D to create an experimental environment required for the user study.

Two papers were accepted to IEEE VR 2021 (joint first author & third author).

Human-Machine Interaction Lab, BUAA

2019.01 - 2020.12
Research assistant, group leader,   supervised by Prof. Yu-Ru Zhang

Research topic: virtual reality modeling technology based on tactile texture feedback

Created a virtual scene demo design with Unity3D; generated the striped texture on the 3M glass through testing multiple electric waves.

This project achieved Excellent Project Award (rank 1st) in the National College Innovative Entrepreneurship Competition!

Other Projects

Followings are interesting projects that I have done during my undergraduate study. Have a look!

Electronic and Control System Design of Eurobot

2020.11 - 2021.06, undergraduate thesis, [demo video link]
Supervised by Prof. Abdelkader EL Kamel and Prof. Jing-Jun Yu
  • Designed the whole electronic hardware system and control strategies of the autonomous robot for Eurobot Competition 2021.
  • Employed Python/C++ language to program ROS system embedded in the Raspberry Pi (master computer), C language to program FreeRTOS system embedded in the STM32 (slave computer).
Design of A Novel Air Powered Elevating Platform

2017.09 - 2018.06, [poster link]
Supervised by Prof. Kamran Behdinan from UofT
  • Design a pneumatic lifting platform, raising the height of the first floor for the elderly or disabled people to use at home.

Excellent Project Award (rank 1st) | National College Innovative Entrepreneurship Competition, 2020

Excellent Academic Scholarship (Three Times, Top 10%) | Beihang University,2018-2020

Outstanding Student Cadres (Top 5%) | Beihang University,2019

Excellent Scholarship (Top 5%) | Beihang University,2017

Excellent Student (Top 5%) | Beihang University,2017


I love sports, especially badminton!

Piano is also my favorite! Classical music is my best field!
This is my piano performance (hightlight part, Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No.6) at the concert ( bilibili ).

"Stay hungry, stay foolish."

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